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  • Bashful Sparkly Cassis Bunny Small 18cm
  • Bashful Sparkly Cassis Bunny Small 18cm
  • Bashful Sparkly Cassis Bunny Small 18cm

Bashful Sparkly Cassis Bunny Small 18cm

PID: 337824
$ 44.95
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Item Description

Bashful Sparkly Cassis Bunny is a cosy pal for magic forest snuggles! Warm berry-red with a little pink nose and long flopsy ears of sparkly jersey, this bobtail buddy brings sweet damson dreams. With his little pink nose and the world famous super-soft Jellycat fur this guy is seriously giftablle.

Huggable yet portable, medium Jellycats are the ideal size for toddlers on the go. Sitting at 25cm, this little guy is the perfect comfort-companion to share a stroller with or snuggle up to for a car-ride nap.

Size: Sitting Height approx 25cm, Head to Feet Length approx 31cm


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* If you fail to have sufficient funds available for a afterpay to automatically deduct payment on due installment dates you will be charged a late fee of $10 and if the installment payments remains overdue one week late, an additional $7 will be charged.



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